Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Ultimate Gift - Naomi

The Ultimate Gift is probably my favorite movie. I first saw it while on spring break in the everglades with my family (I will probably enumerate the details of that expedition in a later post). We were staying overnight at a family friend's house rather than sleep in a campground for the 5th night in a row. A friend had loaned the movie to my Dad and I was skeptical at first but a few minutes in there was a pretty cute guy, and it just got better from there. 

For those who haven't seen it, The Ultimate Gift is a story of learning life lessons, finding yourself, accepting the past and in the end, falling in love. The main character is Jason, a trust fund baby in his mid-twenties whose grandfather, multi millionaire Red Stevens, has just died. Red wants to leave Jason an inheritance but he does not want Jason to spend his life living off a trust fund, never learning about hard work or true friendship, among other things. Red leaves a series of videos in the care of his lawyer (who also happens to be his best friend). In the videos are instructions for Jason outlining what he needs to do to receive "The Ultimate Gift". Along the way Jason meets Alexa and her daughter Emily who play a major role in the plot. You'll have to watch it to learn the rest.:)

Au revoir & Carpe Diem - Naomi

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